Judith, the Scourge Diva - Ravnica Allegiance.Dragonlord Silumgar - Dragons of Tarkir.Bloodwater Entity - Hour of Devastation.Atla Palani, Nest Tender - Commander 2019.Arjun, the Shifting Flame - Commander 2015.Aminatou, the Fateshifter - Commander 2018.The following green cards have seen their first reprints in Double Masters 2022: As this card is an excellent inclusion in Elf-tribal decks in Commander and Legacy alike, this reprint will make the card much more accessible, as it had previously only been printed as a Mythic in Jumpstart.

Despite being a single green mana, this 1/1 Elf can prevent your creatures from being countered whilst maintaining significant late-game value through its activated ability capable of bolstering even the smallest of elves under your control. The most impressive green reprint within DOuble Masters 2022 is easily Allosaurus Shepherd. This creature is a solid inclusion in creature-heavy Commander decks, serving as a massive 16/16 with indestructible that despite its mana value of ten, can be cast with your creatures through its access to Convoke. Among these cards, one stand include Impervious Greatworm, a card that had previously only been available as Guilds of Ravnica's Buy-a-Box promo.

Like white, green has received seven first-time-reprints in Double Masters 2022.

Updates will be made as able.RELATED: Magic: The Gathering - The Best Goblins For Modern Additionally, you can find draft sets which contain three draft boosters.Īs always the breakdown and color distributions are in flux until cards are revealed. Unlike most other sets, Double Masters (as its intent is to be a draft set) will only contain booster packs: draft and collectors. This reprints only set will be released on July 8 and will contain 331(!) cards in the set proper with 248(!) booster fun variants. Double Masters returns with its second installment.