He defeated the dragon and became a Skylander. Ignatius had been tricked! His new suit was made from a cursed steel that bound itself to him, trapping him inside where he would forever remain a fire spirit. The monster rained its fiery breath over the knight's poor head, settling him on fire. But a nasty surprise was waiting for Ignatius at the dragon's lair. On his way to slay the beast, he met a witch who presented him with a special (and handy) gift - a magical suit of armour offering protection from dragon breath. When first he encountered the red dragon, Ignatius was a young knight with squeaky armour and a rusty sword. Despite this setback, Ignitor remains a spirited knight who is always fired up to protect the lands from evil and find the witch that tricked him.

He journeyed to a dragon's lair where a single blast of fire transformed him into a blazing spirit, binding him to the suit of armor for eternity. As it turned out, it was made of cursed steel. On his first quest as a knight, Ignitor was tricked by a cunning witch into wearing a magical suit of armor that he was told would resist fire from a dragon. He also developed a hatred for witches due to one having cursed him in the first place.

Despite the setback of being bound to his cursed suit of armor for eternity, Ignitor remains a spirited knight who is always fired up to protect his world from evil.